Get to know us
After being rescued from the clutches of addiction, Michael volunteered in over 35 countries with organizations such as YWAM and OM. He has spoken in jails, rehabs, detention centers, churches and schools with an unquenchable passion to support anyone facing addiction, homelessness, helplessness, depression, suicide or lack of purpose. Michael received an MA in Intercultural Studies and Community Development, and writes adamantly about the things people pursue to add meaning and purpose to life, and the reasons why.

Our mission
We are deeply committed to our mission of bringing people to Christ by raising up Christians who love radically, live with humility, and relate genuinely. We recognize that all of us carry our own burdens and battle our own struggles, which is why we strive to create an environment where healing and support are not only readily available and practical, but implemented by all. We hope to build a community that is united in its dedication to overcoming addiction and finding solace through faith.
Our vision
To see every Christian equipped to help their loved ones battle addictions, trained to reach out to those in need, and strengthened in their faith so that they have genuine love and care to show to others.
To equip people with strategic battle plans to help them find healing, fight addiction, and move forward through the pain.
To create Christian leaders who actively seek to help friends, family, and strangers. Who are courageous enough to admit their own faults and shortcomings, but always set their eyes on moving forward and upward.
To build communities where everyone (both sponsor and sponsee, mentor and mentee) are growing together in humility and love.
To create a community where it is not a shame to have faults, but a virtue to be transparent, vulnerable, and humble.
To create safe places in each church where Christians are mobilized to reach their neighbor, share their faith, invest in those around them, and build small groups that are genuine, transparent, and life transforming.